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Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you can't find your question below

What is TaskPact?

TaskPact is an accountability platform that helps you commit to your goals. By setting a goal, deadline, and a monetary stake, you are financially incentivized to follow through, to prevent paying the stake if you fail.

How does TaskPact work?

First, you set your goal, a deadline and choose an amount to stake. You also select an accountability partner. If you do not meet your goal by the deadline, and your accountability partner confirms this, your card will be charged with the staked amount and we'll donate 50% of this amount to charity

Do I need to pay to use TaskPact?

No. Creating goals on TaskPact is 100% free. You'll only ever be charged if you fail to meet your goal and your accountability partner confirms this.

What type of goals can I set on TaskPact?

You can set almost any personal goal, from fitness challenges to work-related tasks, as long as they are measurable and verifiable.

Who can be my accountability partner?

Your accountability partner can be a friend, family member, coworker, or anyone you trust to verify your goal completion honestly. If you don't have an accountability partner, feel free to use [email protected] as your accountability partner, we'd be glad to help 😊

How is the payment process handled, and is it secure if you don't store credit card details?

We use a third-party payment processor (Paystack, a Stripe subsidiary) that meets all the compliance requirements and security standards to handle the transactions. Your credit card details are encrypted, tokenized and stored on their servers. We will never store sensitive credit card info on our servers.

What happens if I don't meet my goal by the deadline?

If you don't meet your goal by the deadline, and your accountability partner confirms this, your card will be charged the staked amount.

Can I change my goal after I’ve set it?

If you've set a goal erroneously, you can email support at [email protected] to get it fixed up to 24hrs after goal creation. Unfortunately, we won't be able to assist if this window has passed to remain true to our goal of keeping goal-setters accountable.

Can I have more than one accountability partner?

Currently, TaskPact only allows one accountability partner per goal for simplicity and ease of verification. However, we do plan to add the ability to have multiple accountability partners in the near future

How do you make money if the service is free to use?

When users fail to meet their goals on Taskpact, their cards are charged. We donate 50% of this money to charity and keep whatever is left after we've paid off all our expenses.

What happens if there is a dispute between me and my accountability partner?

We have a dispute resolution process in place. Please contact our support team at [email protected] for assistance.

How can I cancel my commitment?

Commitments can only be cancelled under specific circumstances and require the approval of your accountability partner. Please send us an email at [email protected] and we can begin the review process.

Can I get a refund if I was charged by mistake?

If you feel a mistake was made, please contact our support team immediately for assistance.

How do I contact customer support if I have an issue?

You can reach out to us directly via email at [email protected].